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Seventh Son (Tales of Alvin Maker)

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Einstelldatum: 07.06.2017
Autor: Orson Scott Card
Medium: Paperback
Zahl der Medien: 1
Verlag: Tor
Jahr: 1988
Seitenzahl: 241
Gewicht(g): 150
ISBN: 0812533534
EAN: 9780812533538
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token Mehrfachtausch: 2:1
Zustellquote 100%
(PLZ: 70372)
Versand, Packstation, Selbstabholer
258 Besucher
3 - Ordentlich
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

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One of the most original and enchanting fantasy series continuing today is Orson Scott Card's Tales of Alvin Maker. Set in an alternate frontier America, the Tales of Alvin Maker begins with Seventh Son. Here we meet the young Alvin Miller, the seventh son of a seventh son. Alvin is a Maker and is destined to create a positive new future for America. But to do so he must defeat an ancient enemy, the Unmaker, whose dark magic and deadly plots constantly threaten Alvin's existence. Not only is Orson Scott Card one of the most popular science fiction novelists alive, he is also one of the strongest and purest voices in American fantasy.

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