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Amazon Queen

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Einstelldatum: 01.09.2014
Autor: Lori Devoti
Medium: Paperback
Zahl der Medien: 1
Verlag: Pocket Books
Jahr: 2010
Seitenzahl: 384
ISBN: 1439167729
EAN: 9781439167724
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 100%
382 Besucher
4 - Brauchbar
Kommt aus einem Raucherhaushalt

Cover hat ein paar Knicke und Druckstellen, nicht hübsch aber auch nicht schlimm, Kanten etwas bestoßen, Buchrücken ist unten vorn etwas abgerieben


Amazon queen Zery Kostovska has never questioned tribe traditions. After all, these rules have kept the tribe strong for millennia and enabled them to live undetected, even in modern-day America. Zery is tough, fair, commanding—the perfect Amazon leader.

At least, she was. A new high priestess with a penchant for secrecy and technology is threatening Zery’s rule. Plus, with the discovery of the Amazon sons, males with the same skills as their female counterparts, even Zery can’t deny that the tribe must change. But how? Some want to cooperate with the sons. Others believe brutal new leadership is needed—and are willing to kill to make it happen.

Once, Zery’s word was law. Now, she has no idea who to trust, especially with one powerful Amazon son making her question all her instincts. For Zery, tribe comes first, but the battle drawing near is unlike any she’s faced before . . . and losing might cost her both the tribe and her life.

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