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Dancing on the Head of a Pin (Remy Chandler, Band 2)

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Einstelldatum: 03.10.2023
Autor: Sniegoski, Thomas E.
Medium: Paperback
Zahl der Medien: 1
Verlag: Ace
Jahr: 2010
Seitenzahl: 291
ISBN: 0451463234
EAN: 9780451463234
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 99.62%
Versand, Packstation
64 Besucher
1 - Sehr gut
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

Lesefalten im Rücken, Einbandkanten etwas bestoßen, kleine Beschädigung im ISBN-Feld


Meet Remy Chandler...

He's one of the good guys...

But he's in bad trouble...

Having lost the love of his life, Remy finds himself turning away from the world. He seeks out dangerous jobs that involve the supernatural and bring him into contact with his past. In his latest case, a cache of ancient weaponry is stolen from a collector who deals in antiques of a dark and dubious nature.

The weapons were forged eons ago and imbued with unimaginable power. In the wrong hands they can destroy Heaven and Earth. To prevent that, Remy Chandler must decide if he is willing to lose the last of his own humanity...

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