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Knights and Castles: Explore Inside (i. Paket 2 Token)

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Einstelldatum: 19.03.2022
Autor: Coppendale, Jean
Medium: Hardcover
Verlag: Running Press
Jahr: 2005
Seitenzahl: 10
ISBN: 0762423196
EAN: 9780762423194
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 3 Token
Zustellquote 100%
Versand, Packstation, Hermes
110 Besucher
2 - Gut
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

Ecken ganz leicht angestoßen


Meet the hilarious knight Sir Spearalot, who takes you on a magical history tour back to the exciting time of knights and castles. Explore Lord Fancypants's castle, find out what goes on in his busy courtyard, watch a thrilling jousting tournament, and discover what the Lord and Lady like to eat at a banquet. You can even test your knowledge of knights with a quiz! Peek through the windows to see who's around then slide back the panels to explore inside!

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