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The Pollyanna Plan

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Einstelldatum: 18.08.2023
Autor: Roland, Talli
Medium: Paperback
Zahl der Medien: 1
Verlag: Lake Union Publishing
Jahr: 2014
Seitenzahl: 236
ISBN: 1477820175
EAN: 9781477820179
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 100%
Versand, Packstation
39 Besucher
2 - Gut
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

Ecken und Kanten leicht bestoßen, Cover etwas berieben, sonst nur leichte Lesespuren.


Is finding true love as easy as an attitude change?

Thirty-something Emma Beckett has always looked down on 'the glass is half full' optimists, believing it's better to be realistic than delusional. But when she loses her high-powered job and fiancé in the same week, even Emma has difficulty keeping calm and carrying on.

With her world spinning out of control, and bolstered by a challenge from her best friend, Emma makes a radical decision. From here on in, she'll behave like Pollyanna: attempting to always see the upside, no matter how dire the situation.

Can adopting a positive attitude give Emma the courage to build a new life, or is finding the good in everything a very bad idea?

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