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Surrender to Sin

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Einstelldatum: 12.03.2012
Autor: Tamara Lejeune
Medium: Paperback
Verlag: Zebra Books
Jahr: 2007
Seitenzahl: 411
ISBN: 0821779745
EAN: 9780821779743
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 100%
(PLZ: 14467)
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358 Besucher
3 - Ordentlich
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

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To escape gossip in London due to a broken engagement and a stolen diamond, heiress Abigail Ritchie changes her name to Miss Smith, and leases a house in the country. Along with her chaperone - a hypochondriac accompanied by a full-time nurse - the trio escape to Hertfordshire. But once there they encounter mayhem, mishap, rustic fortune hunters, and a dangerously seductive but deeply indebted lord of the manor, Cary Wayborn. Scandal continues to welcome Abigail with open arms...and so does Cary. When the two find themselves inadvertently surrendering to one night of white-hot passion and desire, Cary, a true gentleman, insists on marriage. Yet Miss Smith refuses his offer. Now, sorting through a gaggle of gossips, mischief, and conspiracy, he remains fearless and determined to claim a love as irresistible as the lady herself...

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