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Touched By Fire (The Sentinels)

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Einstelldatum: 12.03.2012
Autor: Catherine Spangler
Medium: Paperback
Verlag: Berkley
Jahr: 2007
Seitenzahl: 320
ISBN: 0425217957
EAN: 9780425217955
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 100%
(PLZ: 14467)
Versand, Packstation, Selbstabholer
324 Besucher
2 - Gut
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

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You met the ultra-sexy Luke Paxton, the leather-clad Sentinel who drives a Harley, in the first Sentinel book, TOUCHED BY DARKNESS. Now Luke gets his own story and a challenging heroine who will not readily bend to his will. But Luke is just the man to convince Marla Reynolds that it's safe to feel again. Things heat up and sparks fly as these two come together to fight the ultimate evil.

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