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Fire and Sword (Keys Of Power #2)

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Einstelldatum: 14.05.2024
Autor: Simon Brown
Medium: Paperback
Verlag: Voyager
Jahr: 2001
Seitenzahl: 552
ISBN: 9780732271336
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token
Zustellquote 99.62%
Versand, Packstation
19 Besucher
3 - Ordentlich
Kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt

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After suffering near-fatal injuries, Lynan Rosetheme, holder of the Key of Union, is healed and transformed through the blood of the vampire Silona. He awakes from his deep sleep to find he has found refuge from his avenging sister, Areava, queen of Grenda Lear, with the wild northern Chetts who live on the Ocean of Grass. Now he must unite them behind him so he can win back his inheritance from Areava and her allies.

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